30/01/ · The ABC’s of any happy family are acceptance, bonding and commitment. Acceptance is the first ingredient. People who come from families where members accept one Family stands for responsibility, trust, sacrifice and hope. Family don't just share with you just the happy moments but they're with you through thick and thin. They share laughter, sadness, Best Essays Happy Family It is said that the family molds a person. Hence in everything an individual does he or she reflects the other members of his or her family. It is believed so
Happy Families essays
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, happy family essay, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Essay, happy family essay. Topic: CommunicationFamilyLifeLoveDreamsHappinessFutureTime. Pages: 3. Words: Happy family relationship means a lot of work, with preserve and maintaining them being extremely difficult. For this to happen, both partners should make an effort to make life together joyful. So, what are the secrets of a happy family? There are definitely some that will help your family stay strong, and friendly for long time, if not forever.
One of the main secrets for happy family is a skill to communicate with each other. In order to keep both family members happy you pretty much need communicate with each other, without which various problems and accidents will be unavoidable. Happy families usually talk about everything: intimate relationships, relationships with parents, worry about financial situation, discuss their future plans. Spouses who got married not basing on love tend to talk superficially, mainly at the level of everyday objects, usually about domestic responsibilities, gossip about other people, etc. In such families everyone has its own plans and dreams, interests and passions, which later become a great problem to overcome.
In happy families partners trust each other, share things that are sometimes painful to tell, that do not always make them happy, but they are always ready to discuss problems happy family essay think about the solution together. Unacceptable behavior can be easily forgiven in a happy family, where in families without trust and understanding forgiveness and apologies are not common, or accepted. So what needs to be done in order to build a happy family? For a starter try to communicate for even for minutes, more, if it is possible. Simply do not discuss your everyday problems, instead tell your partner what you like, what you want, or what you happy family essay want to accomplish in the near future.
If you are afraid that your partner will not understand or will have a critical attitude towards your dreams, you can always talk about him. Tell him all the nice things that you find in him, tell him that you respect him for those features, and appreciate all the pleasant things that he brings into your family life. Also pay attention to the quality of communication, and what I mean by that is the continuity of time for communication and concentration on each other. This criterion I connect to the numerical criterion, as if there is no specific amount of time spent together, happy family essay, no quality dialogue can be reached. Therefore, if you talk while one is cooking dinner, happy family essay, with the other preparing for tomorrow's work no quality communication can be established.
But if these two criteria are met, the family will become much happier. Happy family essay people tell communication problems with their partners stating that after discussing the same issue for times nothing changes. For this to change to you have to talk a lot and qualitatively; everything can be changes, if you take long enough to discuss a particular aspect of your life. It is important that each family member treats others as equals, takes into account their opinions, which is an important aspect of true, and friendly relations. Such components make family psychologically healthy and strong. Happy families tend to differ in the distribution of responsibilities, happy family essay, a point that should be from the very beginning. If a family has an equal distribution of household responsibilities, this only stands for the harmony in it, happy family essay.
Trust is an important component of happiness and well-being. Decide once and for all whether you trust your partner or not. And what would the situation did not occur in the future, your choice should be inviolable. All doubts about a happy family essay one should be immediately cast aside. Remember, happy family essay, trust or have, or have no family. Live in trust easily and safely, happy family essay. Do not forget about small courtesies: coffee in bed, just like a bunch of flowers, chocolate, laid sneak into your favorite handbag, happy family essay. They may cost you almost nothing, but deliver a lot of positive emotions.
If you believe Dale Carnegie, Henry James stated: "The first thing you need to learn in a relation with other people is that you cannot interfere with their wished happiness, unless it does not prevent us from being happy in a way, as we want. So communicate, discuss problems, offer solutions, talk about the future, about your dreams and mention your appreciate for each other, and your family will be much happier and more prosperous. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. Don't waste time. HIRE A WRITER Sign in. Blog Free Essay Examples current How It Works About Us Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Our Services.
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30/01/ · The ABC’s of any happy family are acceptance, bonding and commitment. Acceptance is the first ingredient. People who come from families where members accept one A family is one with whom you can share all your joys and sorrows. Family stands by you at the toughest situations in life. Family gives you the warmth and affection that you may not get I loved them and they loved me, yes we did have our challenges, but at the end of the day we were happy and there was nothing in my mind that could ever take something that beautiful
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